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4.4.2.Curves #

Curves category consist of four commands that allows you to edit animation curves:

  1. Simplify Curve –  removes redundant keys from curve depending on tolerance value.
  2. Peak Removal – remove peaks from animation curve.
  3. Mirror Curve – allows you to mirror transform section animation curve.
  4. Butterworth – makes animation curve smoother.

All this commands have the same workflow:

  1. Open level sequence editor.
  2. Select actor.
  3. Set Curve Type and Axis.
  4. Press command button.

Simplify Curve filter – removes redundant keys from curve depending on tolerance value.

Tolerance – filter multiplier. Higher value – more keys will be deleted.

  1. Open level sequence editor.
  2. Select actor.
  3. Set Curve Type, Axis and Tolerance
  4. Press Simplify Curve button.

Peak Removal – remove peaks from animation curve.

Delta – maximum value delta between keys.

  1. Open level sequence editor.
  2. Select actor.
  3. Set Curve Type, Axis and Delta. 
  4. Press Peak Removal button.

Mirror Curve command allows you to mirror transform section animation curve.

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  1. Open level sequence editor.
  2. Select actor.
  3. Set Curve Type and Axis
  4. Press Mirror Curve button.

In future there will be ability to mirror any type of animation curves.

Butterworth – makes animation curve smoother.

Hz – butterworth filter frequency.

  1. Open level sequence editor.
  2. Select actor.
  3. Set Curve Type, Axis and Hz. 
  4. Press Butterworth button.


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